Dew Pond
Dew Pond

Near my home is an ancient Roman hill fort and in the centre of the woodland section on the summit lies a dew pond in which the surrounding trees are reflected. Just occasionally the mist drifts through the scene although I have never been luck enough to be there at the time. Using various post processing techniques, I have managed to create an abstract image with just the right atmospheric mist.

Location: Badbury Rings, Dorset

Dew Pond

Near my home is an ancient Roman hill fort and in the centre of the woodland section on the summit lies a dew pond in which the surrounding trees are reflected. Just occasionally the mist drifts through the scene although I have never been luck enough to be there at the time. Using various post processing techniques, I have managed to create an abstract image with just the right atmospheric mist.

Location: Badbury Rings, Dorset